Welcome to MOCCA2!

MOCCA2 is a Python package for automatic processing of HPLC chromatograms.

To automate your workflow and get accurate results, MOCCA2 features:
  • support for raw data files from Agilent, Shimadzu and Waters

  • automatic baseline correction

  • adaptive peak picking

  • automatic purity checking and peak deconvolution

  • compound tracking across chromatograms

  • fully automatic processing of any number of chromatograms

Getting Started

Get started by installing MOCCA2 and processing your first chromatogram!

Publications and MOCCA

This package is based on MOCCA package by HaasCP. This work has been published by Christian Haas et al. in 2023.

Inspired by MOCCA, MOCCA2 features more Pythonic interface as well as adaptive and more accurate algorithms.

Publication featuring MOCCA2 is coming soon!



Please see the Contributing Guide.