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Bases: Filter

CodelistFilter is a class designed to filter a CodeTable based on a specified codelist.


Name Type Description
codelist Codelist

The codelist used for filtering the CodeTable.

name str

The name of the filter. Defaults to the name of the codelist if not provided.

use_code_type bool

A flag indicating whether to use the code type in the filtering process. Defaults to True.

Source code in phenex/filters/
class CodelistFilter(Filter):
    CodelistFilter is a class designed to filter a CodeTable based on a specified codelist.

        codelist (Codelist): The codelist used for filtering the CodeTable.
        name (str): The name of the filter. Defaults to the name of the codelist if not provided.
        use_code_type (bool): A flag indicating whether to use the code type in the filtering process. Defaults to True.

    def __init__(self, codelist: Codelist, name=None):
        self.codelist = codelist = name or
        self.codelist_as_tuples = self._convert_codelist_to_tuples()
        super(CodelistFilter, self).__init__()

    def _convert_codelist_to_tuples(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
        if self.codelist is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.codelist, Codelist):
                raise ValueError("Codelist must be an instance of Codelist")
            return [
                (ct, c) for ct, codes in self.codelist.codelist.items() for c in codes
        return []

    def _filter(self, code_table: CodeTable) -> CodeTable:

        assert is_phenex_code_table(code_table)

        if self.codelist.fuzzy_match:
            return self._filter_fuzzy_codelist(code_table)
            return self._filter_literal_codelist(code_table)

    def _filter_fuzzy_codelist(self, code_table):
        filter_condition = False
        for code_type, codelist in self.codelist.codelist.items():
            codelist = [str(code) for code in codelist]
            if self.codelist.use_code_type:
                filter_condition = filter_condition | (
                    (code_table.CODE_TYPE == code_type)
                    & (
                filter_condition = filter_condition | code_table.CODE.cast("str").like(

        filtered_table = code_table.filter(filter_condition)
        return filtered_table

    def _filter_literal_codelist(self, code_table):

        # Generate the codelist table as an Ibis literal set
        codelist_df = pd.DataFrame(
            self.codelist_as_tuples, columns=["code_type", "code"]
        codelist_table = ibis.memtable(codelist_df)

        # Create a join condition based on code and possibly code_type
        code_column = code_table.CODE
        if self.codelist.use_code_type:
            code_type_column = code_table.CODE_TYPE
            join_condition = (code_column == codelist_table.code) & (
                code_type_column == codelist_table.code_type
            join_condition = code_column == codelist_table.code

        # return table with downselected columns, of same type as input table
        filtered_table = code_table.inner_join(codelist_table, join_condition).select(
        return filtered_table


Filters the given table according to the rules of the Filter.


Name Type Description Default
table PhenexTable

The table to be filtered.



Name Type Description
PhenexTable PhenexTable

The filtered table. The returned table has the exact same schema as the input table but has rows removed.

Source code in phenex/filters/
def filter(self, table: PhenexTable) -> PhenexTable:
    Filters the given table according to the rules of the Filter.

        table (PhenexTable): The table to be filtered.

        PhenexTable: The filtered table. The returned table has the exact same schema as the input table but has rows removed.
    input_columns = table.columns
    filtered_table = self._filter(table)
    if not set(input_columns) <= set(filtered_table.columns):
        raise ValueError(f"Filter must not remove columns.")

    filtered_table =
    if isinstance(table, PhenexTable):
        return type(table)(filtered_table)
        return filtered_table