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Bases: Filter

ValueFilter filters events in an PhenexTable based on a specified value range.


Name Type Description
min Optional[Value]

Minimum value required to pass through the filter.

max Optional[Value]

Maximum value required to pass through the filter.

column_name Optional[str]

The column name to which the value range should be applied. Default to VALUE, which is the default name of the value column in PhenotypeTable's.


Name Description

Filters the given PhenexTable based on the range of values specified by the min and max attributes. See Filter.

Source code in phenex/filters/
class ValueFilter(Filter):
    ValueFilter filters events in an PhenexTable based on a specified value range.

        min (Optional[Value]): Minimum value required to pass through the filter.
        max (Optional[Value]): Maximum value required to pass through the filter.
        column_name (Optional[str]): The column name to which the value range should be applied. Default to VALUE, which is the default name of the value column in PhenotypeTable's.

        filter: Filters the given PhenexTable based on the range of values specified by the min and max attributes. See Filter.

    def __init__(
        min: Optional[Value] = None,
        max: Optional[Value] = None,
        column_name: Optional[str] = "VALUE",
        if min is not None:
            assert min.operator in [
            ], f"min operator must be > or >=, not {min.operator}"
        if max is not None:
            assert max.operator in [
            ], f"max operator must be > or >=, not {max.operator}"
        if max is not None and min is not None:
            assert min.value <= max.value, f"min must be less than or equal to max"
        self.min = min
        self.max = max
        self.column_name = column_name
        super(ValueFilter, self).__init__()

    def _filter(self, table: PhenexTable) -> PhenexTable:

        conditions = []
        value_column = getattr(table, self.column_name)
        if self.min is not None:
            if self.min.operator == ">":
                conditions.append(value_column > self.min.value)
            elif self.min.operator == ">=":
                conditions.append(value_column >= self.min.value)
                raise ValueError("Operator for min days be > or >=")
        if self.max is not None:
            if self.max.operator == "<":
                conditions.append(value_column < self.max.value)
            elif self.max.operator == "<=":
                conditions.append(value_column <= self.max.value)
                raise ValueError("Operator for max days be < or <=")
        if conditions:
            table = table.filter(conditions)
        return table


Filters the given table according to the rules of the Filter.


Name Type Description Default
table PhenexTable

The table to be filtered.



Name Type Description
PhenexTable PhenexTable

The filtered table. The returned table has the exact same schema as the input table but has rows removed.

Source code in phenex/filters/
def filter(self, table: PhenexTable) -> PhenexTable:
    Filters the given table according to the rules of the Filter.

        table (PhenexTable): The table to be filtered.

        PhenexTable: The filtered table. The returned table has the exact same schema as the input table but has rows removed.
    input_columns = table.columns
    filtered_table = self._filter(table)
    if not set(input_columns) <= set(filtered_table.columns):
        raise ValueError(f"Filter must not remove columns.")

    filtered_table =
    if isinstance(table, PhenexTable):
        return type(table)(filtered_table)
        return filtered_table