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A phenotype is a description of the state of a person at a specific time.

In Phenex, phenotypes are implemented using the Phenotype class. The Phenotype class is designed so that there is clear separation between the "what" from the "how". The "what" is expressed in the Phenotype init function: what codelists to use, what time range to include, constraints relative to other Phenotype's, visit detail information to include, etc. The "what" is meant to mirror how we normally talk about real-world data studies.

The translation of this description in actual executable code (the "how") is handled via the Phenotype.execute() method. The execute method returns a PhenotypeTable - the realization of the defined Phenotype in a particular database. See execute() for details.

All Phenotype's in Phenex derive from the Phenotype class.

To subclass
  1. Define the parameters required to compute the Phenotype in the __init__() interface.
  2. Within __init__(), define self.children - a list of Phenotype's which must be executed before the current Phenotype, allowing Phenotype's to be chained and executed recursively.
  3. Define self._execute(). The self._execute() method is reponsible for interpreting the input parameters to the Phenotype and returning the appropriate PhenotypeTable.
  4. Define tests in phenex.test.phenotypes! We demand a high level of test coverage for our code. High test coverage gives us confidence that our answers are correct and makes it easier to make changes to the code later on.
Source code in phenex/phenotypes/
class Phenotype:
    A phenotype is a description of the state of a person at a specific time.

    In Phenex, phenotypes are implemented using the Phenotype class. The Phenotype class is designed so that there is clear separation between the "what" from the "how". The "what" is expressed in the Phenotype init function: what codelists to use, what time range to include, constraints relative to other Phenotype's, visit detail information to include, etc. The "what" is meant to mirror how we normally talk about real-world data studies.

    The translation of this description in actual executable code (the "how") is handled via the `Phenotype.execute()` method. The execute method returns a PhenotypeTable - the realization of the defined Phenotype in a particular database. See `execute()` for details.

    All Phenotype's in Phenex derive from the Phenotype class.

    To subclass:
        1. Define the parameters required to compute the Phenotype in the `__init__()` interface.
        2. Within `__init__()`, define `self.children` - a list of Phenotype's which must be executed before the current Phenotype, allowing Phenotype's to be chained and executed recursively.
        3. Define `self._execute()`. The `self._execute()` method is reponsible for interpreting the input parameters to the Phenotype and returning the appropriate PhenotypeTable.
        4. Define tests in `phenex.test.phenotypes`! We demand a high level of test coverage for our code. High test coverage gives us confidence that our answers are correct and makes it easier to make changes to the code later on.

    def __init__(self):
        self.table = (
            None  # self.table is populated ONLY AFTER self.execute() is called!
        self._namespaced_table = None
        self.children = []  # List[Phenotype]

    def execute(self, tables: Dict[str, Table]) -> PhenotypeTable:
        Executes the phenotype computation for the current object and its children. This method recursively iterates over the children of the current object and calls their execute method if their table attribute is None.

            tables (Dict[str, PhenexTable]): A dictionary mapping table names to PhenexTable objects. See phenex.mappers.DomainsDictionary.get_mapped_tables().

            table (PhenotypeTable): The resulting phenotype table containing the required columns. The PhenotypeTable will contain the columns: PERSON_ID, EVENT_DATE, VALUE. DATE is determined by the return_date parameter. VALUE is different for each phenotype. For example, AgePhenotype will return the age in the VALUE column. A MeasurementPhenotype will return the observed value for the measurement. See the specific phenotype of interest to understand more.
        """"Phenotype '{}': executing...")
        for child in self.children:
            if child.table is None:
                    f"Phenotype {}: executing child phenotype '{}'..."
                    f"Phenotype {}: skipping already computed child phenotype '{}'."

        table = self._execute(tables).mutate(BOOLEAN=True)

        if not set(PHENOTYPE_TABLE_COLUMNS) <= set(table.columns):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Phenotype {} must return columns {PHENOTYPE_TABLE_COLUMNS}. Found {table.columns}."

        self.table =
        # for some reason, having NULL datatype screws up writing the table to disk; here we make explicit cast
        if type(self.table.schema()["VALUE"]) == ibis.expr.datatypes.core.Null:
            self.table = self.table.cast({"VALUE": "float64"})

        assert is_phenex_phenotype_table(self.table)"Phenotype '{}': execution completed.")
        return self.table

    def namespaced_table(self) -> Table:
        A PhenotypeTable has generic column names 'person_id', 'boolean', 'event_date', and 'value'. The namespaced_table appends the phenotype name to all of these columns. This is useful when joining multiple phenotype tables together.

            table (Table): The namespaced table for the current phenotype.
        if self._namespaced_table is None:
            if self.table is None:
                raise ValueError("Phenotype has not been executed yet.")
            new_column_names = {
                "PERSON_ID": "PERSON_ID",
                f"{}_BOOLEAN": "BOOLEAN",
                f"{}_EVENT_DATE": "EVENT_DATE",
                f"{}_VALUE": "VALUE",
            self._namespaced_table = self.table.rename(new_column_names)
        return self._namespaced_table

    def _execute(self, tables: Dict[str, Table]):
        Executes the phenotype processing logic.

            tables (Dict[str, Table]): A dictionary where the keys are table names and the values are Table objects.

            NotImplementedError: This method should be implemented by subclasses.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _check_for_children(self):
        for phenotype in self.children:
            if not isinstance(phenotype, Phenotype):
                raise ValueError("Dependent children must be of type Phenotype!")

    def __add__(
        self, other: Union["Phenotype", "ComputationGraph"]
    ) -> "ComputationGraph":
        return ComputationGraph(self, other, "+")

    def __radd__(
        self, other: Union["Phenotype", "ComputationGraph"]
    ) -> "ComputationGraph":
        return ComputationGraph(self, other, "+")

    def __sub__(
        self, other: Union["Phenotype", "ComputationGraph"]
    ) -> "ComputationGraph":
        return ComputationGraph(self, other, "-")

    def __mul__(
        self, other: Union["Phenotype", "ComputationGraph"]
    ) -> "ComputationGraph":
        return ComputationGraph(self, other, "*")

    def __rmul__(
        self, other: Union["Phenotype", "ComputationGraph"]
    ) -> "ComputationGraph":
        return ComputationGraph(self, other, "*")

    def __truediv__(
        self, other: Union["Phenotype", "ComputationGraph"]
    ) -> "ComputationGraph":
        return ComputationGraph(self, other, "/")

    def __and__(
        self, other: Union["Phenotype", "ComputationGraph"]
    ) -> "ComputationGraph":
        return ComputationGraph(self, other, "&")

    def __or__(
        self, other: Union["Phenotype", "ComputationGraph"]
    ) -> "ComputationGraph":
        return ComputationGraph(self, other, "|")

    def __invert__(self) -> "ComputationGraph":
        return ComputationGraph(self, None, "~")

    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
        diff = DeepDiff(self.to_dict(), other.to_dict(), ignore_order=True)
        if diff:
  "{self.__class__.__name__}s NOT equal")
            return False
            logger.debug(f"{self.__class__.__name__}s are equal")
            return True

    def get_codelists(self, to_pandas=False):
        codelists = []
        for child in self.children:

        if to_pandas:
            import pandas as pd

            return pd.concat([x.to_pandas() for x in codelists]).drop_duplicates()
        return codelists

    def to_dict(self):
        return to_dict(self)

namespaced_table property

A PhenotypeTable has generic column names 'person_id', 'boolean', 'event_date', and 'value'. The namespaced_table appends the phenotype name to all of these columns. This is useful when joining multiple phenotype tables together.


Name Type Description
table Table

The namespaced table for the current phenotype.


Executes the phenotype processing logic.


Name Type Description Default
tables Dict[str, Table]

A dictionary where the keys are table names and the values are Table objects.



Type Description

This method should be implemented by subclasses.

Source code in phenex/phenotypes/
def _execute(self, tables: Dict[str, Table]):
    Executes the phenotype processing logic.

        tables (Dict[str, Table]): A dictionary where the keys are table names and the values are Table objects.

        NotImplementedError: This method should be implemented by subclasses.
    raise NotImplementedError()


Executes the phenotype computation for the current object and its children. This method recursively iterates over the children of the current object and calls their execute method if their table attribute is None.


Name Type Description Default
tables Dict[str, PhenexTable]

A dictionary mapping table names to PhenexTable objects. See phenex.mappers.DomainsDictionary.get_mapped_tables().



Name Type Description
table PhenotypeTable

The resulting phenotype table containing the required columns. The PhenotypeTable will contain the columns: PERSON_ID, EVENT_DATE, VALUE. DATE is determined by the return_date parameter. VALUE is different for each phenotype. For example, AgePhenotype will return the age in the VALUE column. A MeasurementPhenotype will return the observed value for the measurement. See the specific phenotype of interest to understand more.

Source code in phenex/phenotypes/
def execute(self, tables: Dict[str, Table]) -> PhenotypeTable:
    Executes the phenotype computation for the current object and its children. This method recursively iterates over the children of the current object and calls their execute method if their table attribute is None.

        tables (Dict[str, PhenexTable]): A dictionary mapping table names to PhenexTable objects. See phenex.mappers.DomainsDictionary.get_mapped_tables().

        table (PhenotypeTable): The resulting phenotype table containing the required columns. The PhenotypeTable will contain the columns: PERSON_ID, EVENT_DATE, VALUE. DATE is determined by the return_date parameter. VALUE is different for each phenotype. For example, AgePhenotype will return the age in the VALUE column. A MeasurementPhenotype will return the observed value for the measurement. See the specific phenotype of interest to understand more.
    """"Phenotype '{}': executing...")
    for child in self.children:
        if child.table is None:
                f"Phenotype {}: executing child phenotype '{}'..."
                f"Phenotype {}: skipping already computed child phenotype '{}'."

    table = self._execute(tables).mutate(BOOLEAN=True)

    if not set(PHENOTYPE_TABLE_COLUMNS) <= set(table.columns):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Phenotype {} must return columns {PHENOTYPE_TABLE_COLUMNS}. Found {table.columns}."

    self.table =
    # for some reason, having NULL datatype screws up writing the table to disk; here we make explicit cast
    if type(self.table.schema()["VALUE"]) == ibis.expr.datatypes.core.Null:
        self.table = self.table.cast({"VALUE": "float64"})

    assert is_phenex_phenotype_table(self.table)"Phenotype '{}': execution completed.")
    return self.table