Bases: Reporter
Table1 is a common term used in epidemiology to describe a table that shows an overview of the baseline characteristics of a cohort. It contains the counts and percentages of the cohort that have each characteristic, for both boolean and value characteristics. In addition, summary statistics are provided for value characteristics (mean, std, median, min, max).
- implement categorical value reporting
Source code in phenex/reporting/
| class Table1(Reporter):
Table1 is a common term used in epidemiology to describe a table that shows an overview of the baseline characteristics of a cohort. It contains the counts and percentages of the cohort that have each characteristic, for both boolean and value characteristics. In addition, summary statistics are provided for value characteristics (mean, std, median, min, max).
1. implement categorical value reporting
def execute(self, cohort: "Cohort") -> pd.DataFrame:
self.cohort = cohort
self.N = (
cohort.index_table.filter(cohort.index_table.BOOLEAN == True)
self.df_booleans = self._report_boolean_columns()
self.df_values = self._report_value_columns()
# add percentage column
if self.df_booleans is not None and self.df_values is not None:
self.df = pd.concat([self.df_booleans, self.df_values])
self.df = self.df_booleans or self.df_values
self.df["%"] = 100 * self.df["N"] / self.N
# reorder columns so N and % are first
first_cols = ["N", "%"]
column_order = first_cols + [x for x in self.df.columns if x not in first_cols]
self.df = self.df[column_order]
return self.df
def _phenotype_column_is_of_value_type(self, name_column):
if "_VALUE" in name_column:
value_col = name_column
elif "_BOOLEAN" in name_column:
value_col = name_column.replace("_BOOLEAN", "_VALUE")
value_col = f"{name_column}_VALUE"
column_dtype = self.cohort.characteristics_table[value_col].type()
if column_dtype.is_integer() or column_dtype.is_floating():
return True
return False
def _report_boolean_columns(self):
table = self.cohort.characteristics_table
# get list of all phenotype boolean columns
boolean_columns = [col for col in table.columns if col.endswith("_BOOLEAN")]
# remove value columns (these are reported in the value section)
boolean_columns = [
x for x in boolean_columns if not self._phenotype_column_is_of_value_type(x)
if len(boolean_columns) == 0:
return None
# get count of 'Trues' in the boolean columns i.e. the phenotype counts
true_counts = [
table[col].sum().name(col.split("_BOOLEAN")[0]) for col in boolean_columns
# perform actual sum operations and convert to pandas
result_table = table.aggregate(true_counts).to_pandas()
# transpose to create proper table format (each row should be a phenotype)
df_t1 = result_table.T
# name count column 'N'
df_t1.columns = ["N"]
# add the full cohort size as the first row
df_n = pd.DataFrame({"N": [self.N]}, index=["cohort"])
# concat population size
df = pd.concat([df_n, df_t1])
return df
def _report_value_columns(self):
table = self.cohort.characteristics_table
# Assuming 'table' is your Ibis table and 'value_columns' is already defined
value_columns = [col for col in table.columns if col.endswith("_VALUE")]
value_columns = [
x for x in value_columns if self._phenotype_column_is_of_value_type(x)
if len(value_columns) == 0:
return None
names = []
dfs = []
for col in value_columns:
name = col.split("_VALUE")[0]
d = {
"N": table[col].count().execute(),
"mean": table[col].mean().execute(),
"std": table[col].std().execute(),
"median": table[col].median().execute(),
"min": table[col].min().execute(),
"max": table[col].max().execute(),
if len(dfs) == 1:
df = dfs[0]
df = pd.concat(dfs)
df.index = names
return df
Source code in phenex/reporting/
| def _phenotype_column_is_of_value_type(self, name_column):
if "_VALUE" in name_column:
value_col = name_column
elif "_BOOLEAN" in name_column:
value_col = name_column.replace("_BOOLEAN", "_VALUE")
value_col = f"{name_column}_VALUE"
column_dtype = self.cohort.characteristics_table[value_col].type()
if column_dtype.is_integer() or column_dtype.is_floating():
return True
return False