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Bases: Reporter

A waterfall diagram, also known as an attrition table, shows how inclusion/exclusion criteria contribute to a final population size. Each inclusion/exclusion criteria is a row in the table, and the number of patients remaining after applying that criteria are shown on that row.

Column name Description
type The type of the phenotype, either entry, inclusion or exclusion
name The name of entry, inclusion or exclusion criteria
N The absolute number of patients that fulfill that phenotype. For the entry criterium this is the absolute number in the dataset. For inclusion/exclusion criteria this is the number of patients that fulfill the entry criterium AND the phenotype and that row.
waterfall The number of patients remaining in the cohort after sequentially applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria in the order that they are listed in this table.
delta The change in number of patients that occurs by applying the phenotype on that row.
Source code in phenex/reporting/
class Waterfall(Reporter):
    A waterfall diagram, also known as an attrition table, shows how inclusion/exclusion criteria contribute to a final population size. Each inclusion/exclusion criteria is a row in the table, and the number of patients remaining after applying that criteria are shown on that row.

    | Column name | Description |
    | --- | --- |
    | type | The type of the phenotype, either entry, inclusion or exclusion |
    | name | The name of entry, inclusion or exclusion criteria |
    | N | The absolute number of patients that fulfill that phenotype. For the entry criterium this is the absolute number in the dataset. For inclusion/exclusion criteria this is the number of patients that fulfill the entry criterium AND the phenotype and that row. |
    | waterfall | The number of patients remaining in the cohort after sequentially applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria in the order that they are listed in this table. |
    | delta | The change in number of patients that occurs by applying the phenotype on that row. |

    def execute(self, cohort: "Cohort") -> pd.DataFrame:
        self.cohort = cohort
        logger.debug(f"Beginning execution of waterfall. Calculating N patents")
        N = (
            cohort.index_table.filter(cohort.index_table.BOOLEAN == True)
        logger.debug(f"Cohort has {N} patients")
        self.ds = []

        table = cohort.entry_criterion.table

                "type": "entry",
                "N": table.count().execute(),
                "waterfall": table.count().execute(),

        for inclusion in cohort.inclusions:
            table = self.append_phenotype_to_waterfall(table, inclusion, "inclusion")

        for exclusion in cohort.exclusions:
            table = self.append_phenotype_to_waterfall(table, exclusion, "exclusion")

                "type": "final_cohort",
                "name": "index_table",
                "N": None,
                "waterfall": N,
        self.ds = self.append_delta(self.ds)
        self.df = pd.DataFrame(self.ds)
        return self.df

    def append_phenotype_to_waterfall(self, table, phenotype, type):
        if type == "inclusion":
            table = table.inner_join(
                phenotype.table, table["PERSON_ID"] == phenotype.table["PERSON_ID"]
        elif type == "exclusion":
            table = table.anti_join(
                phenotype.table, table["PERSON_ID"] == phenotype.table["PERSON_ID"]
            raise ValueError("type must be either inclusion or exclusion")
        logger.debug(f"Starting {type} criteria {}")
                "type": type,
                "N": phenotype.table.count().execute(),
                "waterfall": table.count().execute(),
            f"Finished {type} criteria {}: N = {self.ds[-1]['N']} waterfall = {self.ds[-1]['waterfall']}"

    def append_delta(self, ds):
        ds[0]["delta"] = None
        for i in range(1, len(ds) - 1):
            d_current = ds[i]
            d_previous = ds[i - 1]
            d_current["delta"] = d_current["waterfall"] - d_previous["waterfall"]
        return ds