class Waterfall(Reporter):
A waterfall diagram, also known as an attrition table, shows how inclusion/exclusion criteria contribute to a final population size. Each inclusion/exclusion criteria is a row in the table, and the number of patients remaining after applying that criteria are shown on that row.
| Column name | Description |
| --- | --- |
| type | The type of the phenotype, either entry, inclusion or exclusion |
| name | The name of entry, inclusion or exclusion criteria |
| N | The absolute number of patients that fulfill that phenotype. For the entry criterium this is the absolute number in the dataset. For inclusion/exclusion criteria this is the number of patients that fulfill the entry criterium AND the phenotype and that row. |
| waterfall | The number of patients remaining in the cohort after sequentially applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria in the order that they are listed in this table. |
| delta | The change in number of patients that occurs by applying the phenotype on that row. |
def execute(self, cohort: "Cohort") -> pd.DataFrame:
self.cohort = cohort
logger.debug(f"Beginning execution of waterfall. Calculating N patents")
N = (
cohort.index_table.filter(cohort.index_table.BOOLEAN == True)
logger.debug(f"Cohort has {N} patients")
self.ds = []
table = cohort.entry_criterion.table
"type": "entry",
"N": table.count().execute(),
"waterfall": table.count().execute(),
for inclusion in cohort.inclusions:
table = self.append_phenotype_to_waterfall(table, inclusion, "inclusion")
for exclusion in cohort.exclusions:
table = self.append_phenotype_to_waterfall(table, exclusion, "exclusion")
"type": "final_cohort",
"name": "index_table",
"N": None,
"waterfall": N,
self.ds = self.append_delta(self.ds)
self.df = pd.DataFrame(self.ds)
return self.df
def append_phenotype_to_waterfall(self, table, phenotype, type):
if type == "inclusion":
table = table.inner_join(
phenotype.table, table["PERSON_ID"] == phenotype.table["PERSON_ID"]
elif type == "exclusion":
table = table.anti_join(
phenotype.table, table["PERSON_ID"] == phenotype.table["PERSON_ID"]
raise ValueError("type must be either inclusion or exclusion")
logger.debug(f"Starting {type} criteria {}")
"type": type,
"N": phenotype.table.count().execute(),
"waterfall": table.count().execute(),
f"Finished {type} criteria {}: N = {self.ds[-1]['N']} waterfall = {self.ds[-1]['waterfall']}"
def append_delta(self, ds):
ds[0]["delta"] = None
for i in range(1, len(ds) - 1):
d_current = ds[i]
d_previous = ds[i - 1]
d_current["delta"] = d_current["waterfall"] - d_previous["waterfall"]
return ds