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Installation Instructions

Setup environment

We strongly suggest to install PhenEx in an isolated python virtual environment using your favorite package manager, such as condas or pyenv. PhenEx requires Python 3.12 or above. After setting up and activating your virtual environment, move on to the next step.

Pip installation

To install from pip (recommended), run the following from within your virtual environment:

pip install PhenEx

Source installation

To install from source (for developers), run the following from within your virtual environment:

git clone && \
    cd PhenEx && \
    pip install -r requirements.txt && \
    pip install .

This will clone the repository and build all the required dependencies.

Installing Jupyter

If you wish to use PhenEx within a Jupyter notebook, you can install the Jupyter kernel with

python -m ipykernel install --user --name phenex --display-name "PhenEx"

where --name phenex specifies the name of your virtual environment.

Check installation

Check that the installation has succeeded, run:

python -c "import phenex;print(phenex.__version__)"

This will display the installed version of PhenEx.

Now what?

That's it! Proceed to the tutorials.