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Annotating mutations

The panels included in GENIE do not consistently use left-shifted specifications of genomic variants. As a consequence, two samples that were tested with different panels may carry the same mutation, but the specification of the mutation (chromosome, position, reference allele, alternative allele) can be different. Another issue is that some panels report a "-" in the reference allele column for insertions or for the alternative allele for deletions. This is not consistent with the VCF file format standard and breaks downstream tools.

For these reasons, the specification of mutations must be normalized by adding the missing leftmost nucleotide of indels, and left-shifting mutations, resulting in HGVSG designations of the normalized variants.

This is a multi-step process and needs to be done only once for every new GENIE release.

Step 1: Prepare the reference genome

For adding the missing nucleotide left of inserations or deletions, the genomic sequence is required.

Download reference sequence

mkdir -p $GENCODE_DIR
curl $URL > $HOME/$FILE

Bgzip and index reference sequence

zcat GRCh37.primary_assembly.genome.fa.gz \
| bgzip > GRCh37.primary_assembly.genome.fa.bgz
samtools faidx GRCh37.primary_assembly.genome.fa.bgz

Create chromosome specific FASTA files

A subdirectory with one FASTA file for each chromosome needs to be provided. The genome FASTA file can be split into chromosome specific files using the Python script which is part of the GitHub repository of the Bayer GENIE project and also included here:
# Author: Henrik Seidel
# Date: 2018-07-03
# This script extracts all sequences from a fasta file into single sequences

import sys
import os.path
import gzip
import re

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    sys.exit("ERROR: you have to specify the name of the fasta file " +
    "and the name of the output directory")

file_name = sys.argv[1]
out_dir = sys.argv[2]

# Assert we have a filename as first argument
if not(os.path.isfile(file_name)):
    sys.exit("ERROR: No such file: \"" + file_name + "\"")

# Assert the name of the output directory is okay
if not(os.path.exists(out_dir)):
elif not(os.path.isdir(out_dir)):
    sys.exit("ERROR: \"" + out_dir + "\" exists but is not a directory")

# Choose function for opening file, depending on compression status of file
if (file_name.endswith(".gz") or file_name.endswith(".bgz")):
    this_open =
    file =, mode = "rt")
    this_open = open

n = 0
with this_open(file_name, mode = "rt") as file:
    out_file = None
        for line in file:
            if line.startswith(">"):
                if out_file is not None:
                seq_name = re.match("^>([^ ]+)", line)[1]
                n += 1
                out_file_name = '{:s}/{:03d}_{:s}.fa'.format(out_dir, n, seq_name)
                print('Writing {:s} to {:s}'.format(seq_name, out_file_name))
                out_file = open(out_file_name, mode = "wt")

mamba activate genie
python GRCh37.primary_assembly.genome.fa.bgz chr
bzgip chr/*.fa

Required directory structure:

Directory structure of genome sequence files
├── GRCh37.primary_assembly.genome.fa.bgz
├── GRCh37.primary_assembly.genome.fa.bgz.fai
├── GRCh37.primary_assembly.genome.fa.bgz.gzi
├── GRCh37.primary_assembly.genome.fa.gz
└── chr
    ├── 001_chr1.fa.gz
    ├── 002_chr10.fa.gz
    ├── 003_chr11.fa.gz
    ├── 004_chr12.fa.gz
    ├── 005_chr13.fa.gz
    ├── 006_chr14.fa.gz
    ├── 007_chr15.fa.gz
    ├── 008_chr16.fa.gz
    ├── 009_chr17.fa.gz
    ├── 010_chr18.fa.gz
    ├── 011_chr19.fa.gz
    ├── 012_chr2.fa.gz
    ├── 013_chr20.fa.gz
    ├── 014_chr21.fa.gz
    ├── 015_chr22.fa.gz
    ├── 016_chr3.fa.gz
    ├── 017_chr4.fa.gz
    ├── 018_chr5.fa.gz
    ├── 019_chr6.fa.gz
    ├── 020_chr7.fa.gz
    ├── 021_chr8.fa.gz
    ├── 022_chr9.fa.gz
    ├── 023_chrM.fa.gz
    ├── 024_chrX.fa.gz
    └── 025_chrY.fa.gz

Step 2: Generate a VCF file of all GENIE mutations

A VCF file is required for annotating mutations. All mutations from the GENIE file data_mutations_extended.txt will be extracted and transformed to a VCF file by the script which is part of the GitHub genie project.


Before calling you need to edit the first lines where directory locations are defined.

# Please be patient, this takes about 6 minutes
mamba activate genie

Step 3: Normalize the VCF file

Normalizing the VCF file before annotating it with Illumina Connected Annotations (previously known as Nirvana) is currently necessary because otherwise the mapping between samples and mutations is lost. This will change with forthcoming releases of Illumina Connected Annotations which will transfer the variant identifiers from the VCF ID column to the JSON output file of the annotator.


Before calling you need to edit the first lines where the directory location and the environment name are defined.


Step 4: Annotate mutations from the normalized VCF file

The VCF file needs to be annotated with Illumina Connected Annotations (previously known as Nirvana). See the documentation of the icaparser package on how to set up and use the annotator. The genie GitHub project contains two scripts for running the annotator - and Use one of these two scripts for annotating the VCF file, depending on how you installed the annotator.

Example for running the annotator

# This takes about 5 minutes
./ ../Data/Original/genie-15.0/genie_normalized.vcf.bgz
mv ../Data/Original/genie-15.0/genie_normalized.json* ../Results

Step 5: Create auxiliary files from annotations

The results of the annotator will be used to create two auxiliary files:

  1. genie.vcf_id_to_hgvsg.tsv.gz: This file contains a mapping between variant identifiers and the normalized hgvsg specification of mutations.
  2. genie.annot.tsv.gz: This file contains annotation of all variants from the VCF file.

These files are created by the Jupyter notebook genie_create_aux_files.ipynb which is part of of the genie GitHub project. Please open this file in a Jupyter server, adjust directory names as needed, and run it.


Running the notebook will take about one hour, and requires a lot of memory. Make sure you use an instance with 64 GB RAM or more, and no memory intensive processes running in parallel.


All required files are saved in the Data/Original directory subtree, although some of the files are derived files. This is not according to the standard guidelines. The rationale for this procedure is that in the end we want to have a single directory with all data files and auxiliary files needed by the genie Python module.

Step 6: Precompute which mutations are tested by which panel

GENIE uses different panels (assays), and for determining mutation profiles and mutation frequencies it is important to know whether or not a panel tests a particular mutation. Determining this on the fly is extremely time consuming. Therefore, this needs to be precomputed for each new GENIE release.

To be more specific, a big matrix will be precomputed with panels versus mutations, where mutations are all mutations detected in at least one sample. This matrix is then saved as a Parquet file mutation_tested_by_panel.parquet.

This Python script makes use of the genie package. Because the Programs directory where the script is located also contains the sources of the genie package in the subdirectory genie, it is necessary to change the working directory to somewhere else, like the home directory, when calling the script, to make sure that it picks up the package as it was installed by the previous Python environment setup step. If you fail to do so, you will get an error message concering the genie package.

Precompute mutation_tested_by_panel.parquet

# This takes about a day
cd $HOME
mamba activate genie
python $SCRIPT


This calculation takes about a full day. Make sure the S@S EZ instance has the stop scheduler turned off during that time.