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Downloading data

Downloading GENIE data

The GENIE data need to be downloaded from Synapse.

It is recommended to use the command line tool synapse for downloading the data. If you haven't done yet, install the synapseclient Python package.

pip install synapseclient

And then download the GENIE data into your current directory, here for version 15.0 of GENIE. Make sure you have registered for Synapse GENIE downloads and created a download token for Synapse, you will need it for authentication.

synapse get -r syn53210170 # the number is different for each GENIE release

WARNING: Fixing the PROV-TRISEQ-V2 panel required.

There is an open issue with the PROV-TRISEQ-V2 panel, please see the discussion on GENIE Synapse. To fix this issue, the script needs to be run once before using the genie package. This script will add a missing file for this panel in the gene_panels directory of the GENIE data.

You have to edit the line genie_dir before calling

Downloading MANE transcript definitions

Download the latest release of MANE_\human from NCBI to the same directory where the genie data is stored. This is required for reannotating variants with MANE transcripts and for filtering for MANE transcripts.

curl $URL > $FILE

Don't forget to update default_config.json

The file name of the MANE definition file is configured in default_config.json in the genie GitHub repository. If you download a new release of MANE, the filename in the config file needs to be updated.